
Showing posts from March, 2022

Benefits of Blogging

The best way to get people and search engines (which means more people) to your website is by getting relevant inbound links. If you have some spiffy new gimmick on your website this may be easy as everyone will be linking to you. However, with a basic, solid web page the process maybe much more difficult and slower. How do you get people to link to you? The best way is to empty your wallet! Ok, just kidding, but first we will learn how easy that is. For example there is a pay for blogging service that will cost you at least $5 per blog post (ie: per link) and maybe $25 or more. Now that will eat up your budget, and fast. These paid blog links don’t come with any guarantee. You might get lots of visitors and you might not get any at all. Pay per click is another great option for spending all your money. This will bring you visitors for sure and you’ll know how much each one costs. That’s it. There is no long term benefit. The ads show for only as long as you pay for them. When your...

Article Marketing

Most internet sites receive about 75% of visitors from search engines like Google, Yahoo or MSN. Google is the worldwide market leader in the search engine market. Because of this fact it is very important for every webmaster in the world to archive good rankings in Google’s search engine result pages (SERPs). The most efficient way to archive good ranking in search engine result pages is to collect a lot of inbound links from authority sites for a specific niche. For a lot of webmasters selling links was quite a profitable way to make some cash. The monthly price of a link is mainly based on the Page Rank of the site selling the link. The Page Rank is assigned by Google and is visible in the Google Toolbar. Recently Google penalized most link selling sites. Many of those sites lost some of their Page Rank. This is the reason why selling links is much more difficult nowadays or you will get much less money for links. So for Google selling links is against their guidelines – link exch...


 Hi my name is  Frank Ayala  and i'm a virtual assistant. If you need any help with your business, id love to help out